
a place for me. quiet. calm. creative.


and so I wait...

wait for the changes to start. the chaos to hit. the unknown to become known. the known to become my past.

i like/hate change. i hate the loss of control. i hate the unknown. i like the newness. the freshness. the excitement.

i hate the idea that my daily social life (which i love) will become a thing of the past.

i hate the idea of not being a roadrunner.

of making new friends.

learning where everything is.

not having familiar faces in a classroom.

i am saying goodbye to people i love and care about and hoping that we all land somewhere safely. and still find comfort in each others' embraces.

and i try to find the peace in warmth, sun, time, slowing down, kind and friendly faces, travels, visits, drinks and loads of laughter.

that is what will get me through.

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