
a place for me. quiet. calm. creative.



i have a friend i love. she brings me joy. she brings me peace. our friendship will withstand time, distance, kids, husbands. we will be old, wrinkled ladies together, drinking martinis and checking out all the 70 year old men. we will be forever.

i know this without a shadow of a doubt.


because we are true. we are honest. we have morphed our friendship from single girls to mamas. i respect her as a mama. i think she is amazing. i believe that we look at the world similarly. that we view our relationships with our children and our husbands the same. but we are different. different enough to be interesting.

i love knowing that she is in my life. that she's not too far away. that she loves me too.

i love that she writes letters. that when i see that return address my heart is happy. a little bit of joy. light. love.

i love you my dear friend. you mean so much to me. and i can't wait to sit and be old and crochety with you.

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